Eldest Daughter of the Church: Fr. McGuire delivers a charming travelogue of his and Fr. McKenna's trip to France, where they were given a personal tour of Paris by True Restoration's own Stephen Heiner and later in Nevers managed to get in a bit of trouble at the shrine of St. Bernadette.
Will One of Your Sons be a Priest-Hole Maker? Writing for The Catholic Herald, Francis Phillips discusses a biography of Nicholas Owen, who suffered martyrdom under horrific circumstances rather than betray any information about the hiding places he had built. (Suggestion: ignore the last two paragraphs.)
For the Protector of the Home: In this Renew America column, "If You Don't Have Such a Rifle, Go Buy One Now!" Chuck Baldwin, a former VP running mate to Ron Paul, puts the Ferguson, MO, shooting and riots into perspective, explaining the risks posed by the militarization of the police as well as by the flood of criminal immigration across America's southern border.