Before the great crescendo of Lent in the Holy Triduum — Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday — the Church acts out the Gospel for Passion Sunday on that same day: "They took up stones, therefore, to cast at him. But Jesus hid Himself, and went out of the Temple." (John 8:59). This season within a season, Passiontide, commemorates the events of our Lord's sacred Passion, but does so with our Lord hidden. The crucifixes, veiled in violet, along with images of our Lady and the Saints, hide as He did. Join us in this month's episode of "The Liturgical Year" to learn how, during this two-week period of Passiontide, the sights and sounds in the churches make clear that day by day we are drawing ever closer to Calvary.
We also explore the life of the patron saint of Nigeria, St. Patrick, who also happens to be the apostle of Ireland, an island nation off the west coast of Europe. St. Patrick's rapid evangelization of Ireland and his successors' warding off a return to paganism, led the "Isle of Saints and Scholars" to be responsible not only for maintaining much of Western Civilization (when much of Western Civilization could not be bothered with doing so), but for the eventual missionary conquest for Christ of much of western and northern Europe. And to think that St. Patrick wasn't even Irish...
Finally, we take a look at what is required for the bread and wine ("the species") used in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. How did missionaries, in lands far away from the wheat-growing and vine-tending corners of the world — like Nigeria or Ireland — provide for valid and licit matter for the Holy Eucharist?
Join us as host Joshua Gunsher talks with Fr. Charles McGuire of St. Gertrude the Great Roman Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio, as well as priest to many mission chapels across the United States, about this upcoming season within a season, a saint, and the species.
Original Air Date: February 24, 2015
Show Run Time: 56 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Charles McGuire
Show Host(s): Joshua Gunsher
Season 4 Sponsor:
The Liturgical Year℗ is a Production of the Restoration Radio Network. Copyright 2015. All Rights are Reserved.