In this episode of The Councils, Father and Stephen give an overview of the first 16 sessions of the Council, from 1545-1552. During this time the following subjects were covered:
- How the Council would deal with reform and dogma (on parallel tracks)
- The sources of Faith for the Church
- The status of the Vulgate and rules for printing religious books
- Original Sin
- Justification
- The Eucharist
- Penance and Extreme Unction
- Clerical life and dress
During this time period Paul III dies and Julius III is elected.
In 1552 the Council is suspended and is not brought back into session for another ten years.

Disputation of the Holy Sacrament by Raphael
The music used in this show was composed by Nicholas Wilton. To enjoy more of his work go to:
Original Air Date: April 14, 2022
Show Run Time: 55 minutes
Show Host: Stephen Heiner
Show Guest: Fr. Arnold Trauner
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