Never a better time to consider The Spiritual Eclipse than when having just experienced a major physical one. The Thinking Housewife presents a very thoughtful excerpt from St. John of the Cross’s The Ascent of Mount Carmel. It requires a slow and concentrated perusal. “The spiritual light has a similar relationship to the intellect, the eye of the soul. This supernatural general knowledge and light shines so purely and simply in the intellect and is so divested and freed of all intelligible forms (the objects of the intellect) that it is imperceptible to the soul.”
Are we truly thankful enough for the Blessed Sacrament? Well, of course not, but it is praiseworthy to try our best to incite as much gratitude as possible, to say the least! The Catholic Gentleman writes 5 Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Holy Eucharist, an excellent reminder to not take this Divine Gift for granted. No one wants to live in a frigid house; may we prepare to receive Christ by enkindling the fire of true charity in our hearts so as to not pay our King such an insult.
Ever wondered why this saint’s name literally means “not born?” Saint Raymond Nonnatus is an informative and inspiring piece provided by A Catholic Life. There is no better way to honour a saint than by begging spiritual favours of him. “Since for many hours you did not die of the womb of your dead mother and you were successfully delivered from her side, to be the joy of the world, and that my soul may live in grace in this earthly world, may I imitate your life and exemplary holiness, so that when the hour of my death comes, I may detest all evil thoughts and temporary wealth of this world, so that with the burning love for God, my soul may reach heaven and together with you and the angels and all the saints, praise God Almighty forever.”