Tagged: Prayer

The Case for Relocation

This season on Restoration Radio we had an episode on relocation.  I think the episode did a good job of offering different perspectives, and featured guests who had all relocated for the Mass and...

The Tears I Laid Before His Shrine

St. Alexander The Catholic Gentleman continues its Lent preparation series with a post on prayer, which explains how to pray in five manageable steps. Fasting in a way that is pleasing to God is...

Do Penance or Perish

From the May 1999 issue of The Angelus, we have a reprint of an article on the spirituality of Padre Pio which includes some powerful quotes from him on the New Mass and the...

News Roundup: Sept. 27, 2013

Via Novus Ordo Watch, we find that a Catholic hospital in Ireland has agreed to perform abortions.  May we suggest that Francis speak another 24 words against abortion like he did the day after...

Memento Mori

We ask for your prayers today for the departed Fr. Martin Stepanich, OFM Cap. who passed away on Sunday, November 18th.  Father was a valiant defender of the True Catholic Faith and he will...