Tagged: March for Life

Look Up, Take a Stand, Be a Hero

Pope St. Pius V “Fr.” Peter Carota of Traditional Catholic Priest documents the magnificent accomplishments of Pope St. Pius V in a papacy of only six years. Some people are missing.  Hilary Jane Margaret...

All Francis Friday

St. Timothy Francis delivered a World Communication Day address via a press conference on Thursday.  Vatican Insider prefaced their coverage with this peculiar statement:  “Mgr. Celli describes it as a ‘Franciscan’ text and urges...

Abortions in America: 56 Million Served

St. Emerentiana This LifeSiteNews article focuses on the inspiring adoption testimonies at yesterday’s March for Life in Washington, D.C., though sadly, there is only 1 adoption for every 64 abortions. Where innocent babes in...