Another in a series of new shows for Season 3 is Work of Human Hands, sponsored by Roman Catholic Archive, a publisher of the beautiful Pre-1955 Altar Missal.
Episode 1 of Work of Human Hands will start with Chapters 1 and 2 of the book, Work of Human Hands. In this show, we will discuss the genesis of every traditional Catholic's journey to tradition - the Mass itself. Is the question of the "new" vs. the "old" mass an important one to study? If one wishes to find Roman Catholicism, the answer is a resounding yes.
In this episode, we will discuss the principle thesis of the book, that the "new mass" of Paul VI destroys Catholic doctrine in the minds of the faithful. We will also discuss the assertion of the book that the mass of Paul VI represents a rupture with the continuous liturgical tradition preceding it. We will allow Father to explain the general movement to reform the liturgy, which began in the 1940s with the appointment of Annibale Bugnini to head a Vatican commission on liturgical reforms.
Join us as host Justin Soeder, and show guest/author Fr. Anthony Cekada, assistant pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in Westchester, Ohio discuss the most comprehensive theological critique ever written on the subject of the Mass of Paul VI.
If you have not heard the introduction to this show, you can do so here.
Show Notes:
- Father Cekada sermon: "The Motu Mass - Benefits and Dangers"
- Bishop Sanborn: The Pendulating Papacy
- Father Cekada sermon: "Ratzinger's Frankenchurch Heresy"
- Father Cekada quidlibet: "Bugnini's '51 Easter Vigil: The First Step to the Novus Ordo"
- Father Cekada quidlibet: "The Traditional Mass: How We Participate"
Original Air Date: January 16, 2014
Show Run Time: 1 hour 41 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Anthony Cekada
Show Host(s): Justin Soeder
Season 3 Sponsor:
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