Season III, Week in Review: 6/8/14 – 6/14/14

Work of Human Hands V: The Cleverness of the Revisers

In this week’s show, Fr. Anthony Cekada, joined by Justin Soeder, dives into the history and nature of The Ottaviani Intervention, a document which provided the traditionalist charter against the theology of the New Mass.  Father also gives the background of the key characters, like Cardinal Ottaviani and Fr. Guerard des Lauriers.  With the Intervention, resistance to the new religion coalesced into a more unified voice, but it still failed to stop the modernists.  Fr. Cekada explains how they dealt with these persistent objections while doing nothing to correct the real problems of the New Mass, which stem from it being Protestant at its root.

The Liturgical Year V: Trinity Sunday

In this episode of The Liturgical Year, Fr. McGuire discusses Trinity Sunday, a relatively new liturgical feast.  While its newness may come as a surprise to some, the reason given by Pope Alexander II for it not being celebrated sooner was “because the Blessed Trinity was already honored in every mass.”  Over time though the cultus for this feast grew to where it was appropriate for it to be universally promulgated to the whole Church.  It is also interesting to note that although Trinity Sunday is one of the great feasts of the year, the liturgy for it is very short.  Perhaps the reason for its brevity is the magnitude of the incomprehensible mystery of the Blessed Trinity.

Father McGuire also discusses one of the oldest feasts of the Church calendar, the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.  He gives the history of the first pope and the greatest missionary, the development of this devotion over time, and the proper of the mass.  At the end of the show, host Nicholas Wansbutter brings up the topic of the ranking of feasts in the liturgical calendar, which gives the listener a deeper appreciation for these traditions of the Church.

James Schroepfer - Restoration Radio Network


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