The Root of the Rot, Episode 4: The Catholic Reformation and The Heresies of Luther

Bishop Daniel Dolan Pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church

Bishop Daniel Dolan
Pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church

While it is true that the Church at the time of Luther needed reforming, it wasn't a reform in the manner of the massive doctrinal upheaval that this wicked man wrought.  Learn about how each heresy of Luther led to widespread problems we face in our society today.  Also learn about the Church's fightback through the Council of Trent and the true "renaissance" it birthed.

In a day and age when the gravity of Luther's heresies have been whitewashed away by the foul sea of ecumenism, listen closely as His Excellency explains exactly what the consequences of these heresies were and are still today. Gaining an understanding of Luther's colossal disaster will explain much of what we labor under today in a world that has all but lost the faith.

Join us as His Excellency, Bishop Daniel Dolan, pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Catholic Church in West Chester, Ohio and host Stephen Heiner review this important part of history that has produced so many effects that modern man still feels today.

Original Air Date: March 23, 2014
Show Run Time: 2 hours
Show Guest(s): Bishop Daniel Dolan
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner
Season 3 Sponsor:
Novus Ordo Watch

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