Father Anthony Cekada
Father Anthony Cekada once again returns to Trad Controversies to dispel the myths and legends surrounding Archbishop Thuc. What comes to light is the history and picture of a man quite different from the one presented by the Society of Pius V. Incorporated with the historical discussion and flowing from that, Father reviews the principles of Canon Law and Sacramental Theology which govern the decisions one can conclude in regards to the consecrations done by Archbishop Thuc in the 1980s. Common objections presented by the SSPV are specifically reviewed and analyzed to provide listeners the knowledge enabling them not to fall into the Jansenistic scruples of the SSPV.
It is very sad that such a controversy still plagues the Traditional Catholics of our day, and it is sincerely hoped, that with the information presented, hatchets of the past can be buried. With the light being shone on the truth, perhaps families will cease to be ripped apart, young people thwarted in the pursuits of their vocations, and peace will be restored. God’s Will in God’s time, but we can but hope and pray.
Original Air Date: June 29, 2016
Show Run Time: 1 hour 14 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Anthony Cekada
Show Host(s): James Schroepfer
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