This is Catholicism, Episode 10: Suffered Under Pontius Pilate

A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion Fr. Joseph Deharbe, SJ

A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion
Fr. Joseph Deharbe, SJ

A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion by Father Joseph Deharbe, S.J. was originally written in German, was very popular in the 19th century, and was translated into English. Bishop Donald Sanborn finds the Deharbe Catechism to be the most complete to convert and instruct people in the Catholic Faith.

“A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion” by Father Joseph Deharbe S.J. is available to purchase in a beautiful, cloth-covered hardback with gold-embossing for a very-discounted price in the True Restoration store.

Join Bishop Donald Sanborn and host Stephen Heiner on this episode of This is Catholicism.


Part I On Faith (continued)
Chapter II. Chief Truths of Faith (continued)

The Fourth Article.
'Suffered Under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried.'

1. What does the Fourth Article of the Creed teach us?
2. Did Christ really die?
3. Why did Christ will to be buried?
4. Did Christ suffer as God or as man?
5. Was Christ compelled to suffer death?
6. Why was it the will of Christ to suffer and die?
7. For what sins has Christ given satisfaction?
8. Why could no one but Christ make full reparation for our sins?
9. Why is the satisfaction of Christ of infinite value?
10. Was it necessary for a perfect satisfaction that Christ should suffer such indescribable torments?
11. Why, then, would He suffer so much?
12. From what has Christ redeemed us by His sufferings and death?
13. What more has Christ gained for us through His sufferings and death?
14. Has Christ merited grace and eternal salvation for those only who are really saved?
15. If Christ has merited eternal salvation for all men, why, then, are not all saved?

Episode Notes:

The text is available in the public domain for free online as a PDF. Used copies and reprint versions can still be found and purchased.

“A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion” by Father Joseph Deharbe SJ on

Original Air Date: April 14, 2016
Show Run Time: 30 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner (guest host)

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