Bishop Donald Sanborn
The Apologetics Series takes members through a comprehensive study on Catholic Apologetics from the book The Defense of the Catholic Church, by Francis X Doyle S.J.
In this episode, Bishop Donald Sanborn shows how, in proof of Christ's mission, Christ foretold His resurrection and rose from the dead. Bishop Sanborn will also go into some detail answering objections to Christ’s resurrection, the central miracle of our Catholic Religion.
Show Notes:
Haydock Douay Rheims Bible online - a Catholic Bible commentary compiled by the late Rev. Fr. George Leo Haydock, following the Douay-Rheims Bible, free to use.
Reprints of the The Defense of the Catholic Church, now available in the TR Press Store (strongly recommended by Bishop Sanborn to purchase a copy)
Original Air Date: December 16, 2016
Show Run Time: 1 hour 48 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Phil Stone
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“Jn 20,7-8…“and the napkin that had been about his head, not lying with the linen clothes but apart, wrapped up into one place. Then that other disciple also went in, who came first to the sepulchre: : and he saw, and believed.“
What did John see? This was a code of communication between Jewish masters and servants during mealtime. Among meal preparation settings there was this particular serviette used by master to educate the servant whether he was done his meal or not…as the master and servant normally did not talk during meal. (unless master requested …naturally…) If the master had to get up before the end of his meal to answer a door call…or …master would use the serviette…wipe hands, beard, face…than would toss it in the middle of the table, as to say…“I am coming back…I am not finished…“So servant knew better not to touch that table and waited until…he would come back, finish his meal…He would take his serviette, do the same…than would fold it neatly and place it next to his plate, to communicate: “I am finished…and I am leaving…your turn now.“
The message …I am coming back…in reference to Christ’s resurrection….knowing that the tomb would be opened and people would come to check on Him.
oops…the opposite…when serviette was neatly folded, it meant…“I am coming back…“ and when tossed in the middle of the table, it meant I am finished… So when Christ took the time to fold the head piece, he was communicating the message, I am coming back…wait for me…!