With the recent off the cuff comments and scandalous behavior from the current modernist pretender to the papal throne, Bergoglio, people who were entrenched in the "R and R," the position which recognizes these heretics still as lawful successors to St. Peter, have been forced to reexamine their position. In a furious attempt to stop this attempt of people beginning to rethink their position, which has degraded into a practical absurdity on its face, writers and publications who have dedicated themselves to the defense of the R&R position are desperately launching a flurry of articles against the Sedevacantist conclusion. Father Anthony Cekada joins us for another episode of Trad Controversies to discuss the basis for both of these two opinions and refute some of the more common objections to the Sedevacantist position.
In a hope to shed some light on the faulty theology which has plagued the Traditional movement as a whole and become part of the seemingly endless book of Catholic mythology of today, Father Cekada with host James Schroepfer try to break down the two arguments to their very foundation. In this episode which is based off of a recent video Father Cekada did called Stuck in a Rut, Father reviews some of the inconsistencies found in the R&R position and shows why they are theological impossibilities. Basic definitions for such things as member of the Church, material heresy, public heretic are discussed to provide the listener with their classic definitions which often have been twisted or misapplied by modern writers. The second part of the show focuses on the new argument of the Sedevacantists which is Bergoglio, who was a public heretic prior to his election, never met the basic objective criteria to become pope in the first place.
With the R&R position theologically on its death bed, Restoration Radio hopes this episode will provide a guiding light to those looking to find an opinion actually grounded in Catholic theology and doctrine.
Episode Notes:
Stuck in a Rut: Anti-Sedevacantism in the Age of Bergoglio (Video) by Father Anthony Cekada
Original Air Date: June 28, 2015
Show Run Time: 1 hour 16 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Anthony Cekada
Show Host(s): James Schroepfer
Season 4 Sponsor:
Trad Controversies℗ is a Production of the Restoration Radio Network. Copyright 2015. All Rights are Reserved.