In this episode of Trad Controversies, Father Anthony Cekada addresses the "Home Alone" issue.
"Home Alone" is a term that was coined by Father Cekada many years ago which describes this position held by a minority of Catholics which use proof texts from Canon Law to denounce Catholic priests currently living their lives as priests - providing sacraments and offering Mass - as doing something illicit and immoral and as such, they should not be approached for reception of the sacraments. As a result, those who hold this position choose to stay home and refuse to assist at Mass or receive sacraments from any validly ordained priest.
While in the early days of the traditional Catholic movement, confusion about jurisdiction, the role of a diocese during a worldwide apostasy, and the proper application of epikeia could lead some to this position. In taking a serious look at the documents, Canon Law, and an appeal to basic Catholic sense should help most to overcome all of the objections of the "Home Alone" crowd.
Join host Stephen Heiner as he asks Father Anthony Cekada, assistant pastor of St. Gertrude the Great Roman Catholic Church to explore the reasoning of "Home Aloners" and has Father explain why such a position cannot be considered a Catholic one.
Original Air Date: January 24, 2015
Show Run Time: 43 minutes
Show Guest(s): Father Anthony Cekada
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner
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