The Root of the Rot returns to the airwaves this month as His Excellency, Bishop Daniel Dolan and host Stephen Heiner try to clarify where our modern problems originated.
This episode focuses on the years between 1866 and 1905, years in which Italy was unified (by stealing the Papal States from the Holy Father, and ultimately, from all Catholics), Germany was unified (at a massive cultural cost to Catholics), and France underwent ongoing aftershocks of the effect of murdering their king and overthrowing God.
The bishop delves deeper into how these issues influenced American immigrants at this time, who very much wanted to be "accepted" in their new, Protestant-majority country. If you want to continue your education on the bigger issues that inform the doctrinal problems that plague us now, listen to this episode!
Original Air Date: February 27, 2015
Show Run Time: 58 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Daniel Dolan
Show Host(s): Stephen Heiner
Season 4 Sponsor:
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