Happiness is what we all desire most. Everything we do, we do in order to be happy.
True happiness is in the possession of what is truly good, not in the possession of what is apparently good. What leads us to eternal salvation is truly good. Therefore, we are happy when we are doing what we are supposed to be doing.
One is not experiencing genuine happiness when one truly knows that he is living life wrongly. The world cannot give the peace nor happiness that God gives to us.
Jesus Christ, sitting on the mount, spoke to the multitude, instructing us how to achieve this happiness. These instructions are known as The Eight Beatitudes.
To be happy, we must follow Our Lord’s message and strive to cultivate The Eight Beatitudes within ourselves. Then, and only then, will we know true happiness and reach heaven.
Join us on this episode of In Veritate.
We would like to thank Nicholas Wilton for providing the use of his sacred choral music for this show. Mr. Wilton's material can be purchased at: www.catholicmusic.co.uk.
Original Air Date: August 27, 2015
Show Run Time: 47 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Matthew Arthur
Show Sponsor:
Most Holy Trinity Seminary

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