Autumn is such a wonderful time of year: the beauty of the falling leaves, the bounty of the harvest, and, in October especially, the blessing of the Most Holy Rosary. His Excellency Bishop Daniel Dolan began a 54-day Rosary novena in petition and thanksgiving for delivery from the Revolution on October 5th. Consider joining your 5 decades to the lot, and may God’s Will be done!
This month we are blessed to welcome back Father Julian Larrabee and host Jason Guardiano with another excellent book written by Father Martin von Cochem: The Incredible Catholic Mass. Obtain your own copy and follow along as they expound upon this Catholic gem in eight episodes released throughout the month.
All of the most recent episodes of True Restoration programming can be accessed only by our Monthly and Annual members. We need the support of our membership to continue and to expand our work, as well as to contribute to our support of the clergy. Tune in to The Incredible Catholic Mass by becoming a member!
Join Jason and Father Larrabee for an in-depth, guided study of The Incredible Catholic Mass!

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 1: The Nature and Excellence of Holy Mass
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the perfect sacrifice. A sacrifice is an offering that we make to God and is consecrated in a solemn manner by a consecrated priest in recognition that...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 2: The Great High Priest of the New Testament and The Mysteries of Holy Mass
In this episode, Father Larrabee continues the section on The Excellence of the Holy Mass with Our Lord’s Priestly Function in offering the Holy Sacrifice. The text for this series is The Incredible Catholic...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 3: In the Holy Mass Christ Renews His Nativity and His Life on Earth
Everyday we can be present at Our Lord’s Nativity if only we would go to Mass. Father Julian Larrabee covers the renewal of Our Lord’s Nativity and Our Lord’s Life on Earth in the...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 4: In the Holy Mass Christ Renews His Intercession and His Passion
As often as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered, so often does Christ plead for those who offer it and for those whom it is offered. Father Larrabee explains how in the...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 5: In the Holy Mass the Death of Christ and the Shedding of Christ’s Blood is Renewed
Our Lord laid down His life for our redemption and proved how immense His love is for us. This episode continues Father Larrabee covering the chapters: In the Holy Mass the Death of Christ...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 6: Holy Mass is the Most Excellent Burnt-Offering and the Most Sublime Sacrifice of Praise
Everyone who attends Mass can offer to God this infinite praise and honor we truly need to give Him. Let us attend Mass as often as we can to offer this homage to God...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 7: Holy Mass is the Noblest Sacrifice of Thanksgiving and the Most Efficacious Sacrifice of Propitiation
The Mass is the sacred altar in which the Lamb of God is offered for us where He gives His life for us so we can find grace and mercy. In this episode, Father...

The Incredible Catholic Mass, Episode 8: Holy Mass is the Most Powerful Sin-Offering and Most Complete Satisfaction for Sin
The most powerful sacrifice we can offer to God to atone for our sins is the Holy Mass. In the last episode for this season, Father Julian Larrabee and host Jason Guardiano cover the...