Season 10, April Course: The Councils

The penitential season is nearly over... has your Lent been as fruitful as it ought? Remember that Our Lord will never be outdone in generosity; the Sacred Triduum is the perfect time for additional penance and alms. And the joys of Easter, and spring, and “Alleluia!” will soon be with us!

The Easter season will bring with it our April course. Father Arnold Trauner returns with host Stephen Heiner this month for a third season of The Councils. They will cover the Third and Fourth Lateran Councils, both Councils of Lyons, and the Councils of Vienne and Constance. Finally, they’ll wrap up the season with a two-part miniseries on the Council of Florence, which addressed various Schismatics. Eight episodes will be released throughout the month of April beginning during Easter week.

Please note that all of the most recent episodes of True Restoration programming are accessible only by our Monthly and Annual members. The support of our membership is crucial to the continuation and expansion of our work and our support of the clergy. Tune in to the latest episodes of The Councils by becoming a member!

Join host Stephen Heiner and Father Arnold Trauner to gain a more focused picture of Church history, both past and present!

The Councils, Episode 17: The Third Lateran Council

We begin another season of looking into the enormously important ecumenical Councils that have shaped Church history. The Third Lateran Council was presided over by Pope Alexander III and had as its main antagonists...

The Councils, Episode 18: The Fourth Lateran Council

The Fourth Lateran Council was needed some years after the Third Council to deal with the continuing problems with Albigensians and a new group, the Waldenses. The council was presided over by Pope Innocent...

The Councils, Episode 19: The First Council of Lyons

This is another council that was held mostly to deal with a Frederick Barbarossa: this time it was his grandson, Frederick II, who was making a lot of trouble for the Church. Innocent IV...

The Councils, Episode 20: The Second Council of Lyons

This Council occurred not long after what had been a 3 year vacancy of the Holy See as well as the tragic sack of Constantinople by a sidetracked Fourth Crusade. Blessed Gregory X presided...

The Councils, Episode 21: The Council of Vienne

A curious and interesting council that resolved, at least for a time, a split between the French Crown and the Papacy via the suppression of the Knights Templar. This was also the first Council...

The Councils, Episode 22: The Council of Constance

The Council of Constance resolved the Great Western Schism, but it also gave birth to a new error, Concilarism, which would continue to be felt for centuries after. A special note of thanks to...

The Councils, Episode 23: The Council of Florence, Part I

The first part of this two-part miniseries on the Council of Florence gives the background to the Council, including its strange beginnings in Basel and its move to Ferrara. Some positive reforms in Bohemia...

The Councils, Episode 24: The Council of Florence, Part II

With its earlier challenges out of the way, the Council was free to turn its attention to union with the Schismatics, which resulted in a magnificent, if once again, short-lived, union with the Greeks,...

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