New Catholic from Rorate-Caeli graciously published two excerpts from a 2-hour interview on his book Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass of the Paul VI.
The full interview can be ordered on DVDs from St. Gertrude the Great bookstore, and the streaming download can be be bought from True Restoration Media.
For those of you interested in getting to the root of the matter, you need to read the book, available from Philothea Press. Father has also diligently posted short Chapter summaries (for the lazy 🙂 on his YouTube Channel.
Kudos to Rorate for having the courage to deal with the troubling issues of the Mass head-on instead of hiding behind the boogeyman of sedevacantism to quell legitimate debate. Father Cekada has written THE definitive work on the New Mass and his voice must be heard.