Patrick Henry Omlor and Mary Victoria Omlor +RIP+

Today and tomorrow (May 2nd and 3rd) mark the anniversaries of my dear parents' passings into eternity.

In your charity, please offer a prayer for the repose of their souls (+May they rest in peace+).

Although much can be said about their lives "fighting the good fight," here are just some of the more publicly-recognised aspects:

Patrick Henry Omlor:

Author of many articles/books, most especially "The Robber Church" which in honour of my parents at this time, is on a flash sale for a very affordable price of $55 (and we will allow backorders in case our current stock runs out during the sale period).  A book review explains it further for those unfamiliar with his work which was referred to (with dedications and commendations) by the late Fr. Anthony Cekada in his, The Grain of Incense: Sedevacantists and Una Cum Masses article, and his book and Restoration Radio series, "Work of Human Hands."

Tributes online include those published on Novus Ordo Watch website, here and here.

Mary Victoria Omlor:

As we know, behind every great man there's a great woman, so she too has loving dedications in her memory both here and here.

The Robber Church book can be purchased on sale here.


Theresa is Director of True Restoration Press and hostess of the Restoration Radio series, “The Catholic Home.” She is a cradle Catholic, homeschooling mother residing in Australia.

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