Heresy is just another genre of papal communication. Fr. Federico Lombardi explains in this Catholic News Service story.
We thought maybe it was an example of the hermeneutic of discontinuity, but Rorate reports that Benedict XVI says that Francis' taking away the true Mass from the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is actually a vulnus, "wound" to Summorum Pontificum. We're not sure if this is more or less serious than what we thought, but we're confident that Francis will be taking the novus ordo mass away from predator priests as soon as he gets a break from all these interviews.
Well, enough of all this Vatican intrigue, let's go to the farm. Here, Marcus Grodi explores the question of "why farm?" with the help of an old book called, The Importance of the Rural Life: According to the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Ahhh! St. Thomas is like drinking iced tea after chopping cotton--so refreshing. Our thanks to The Distributist Review for bringing this story to our attention.