The Two Living Springs of All Our Blessings

Octave of the Sacred Heart

Are you, like Thomas Jefferson, too enlightened to believe in the miracles of the Bible?  Marcellino D'Ambrosio explores this question in his excellent piece for Catholic Exchange, "The Fourth of July and an Approach to the Bible".

In this most helpful post from Tradition in Action, "The Devotions to Our Lady and Lord are Inseparable," St. John Eudes, in three succinct points, explains how we must love and honor Jesus through Mary.


The Novus Ordo Sect News by Matt Beck

Got demons?  The novus ordo sect has an app for that.  According to L’Osservatore Romano, the International Association of Exorcists, a loose organization of exorcism-performing priests, has just received official Vatican approval.  This sounds like a rather blasé observation if ever there was one.  Remember, for all that the overwhelming majority of humankind knows, the Vatican II sect headed by Francis really is the Catholic Church, and it should hardly come as a surprise to anyone that the Catholic Church is supposed to perform exorcisms.

But this commonsense sentiment is belied by the tone of sheer astonishment found in articles (such as this one and this one) reporting on the fact.  Apparently, journalists are taken aback that Francis, unlike his predecessors (their words), believes in a personal Satan and in the power of prayer to dispel him.  We certainly do not cite this evidence to imply that Francis is embracing Tradition, but as proof that the general opinion of mankind has it that the Catholic Church no longer believes in anything other than a vague, unmetaphysical social doctrine.  We wonder where they could have gotten that idea.   Really, it’s not as if one could conflate Christianity with communism, right?  Oops, spoke too soon.  Never let it be said that whatever Francis takes with one hand, he doesn’t give back with the other.  As Reuters reports here, Pope Francis says that communists are closet Christians.

This is the logical outcome of his “just do good, we’ll meet there” approach to theology.  After all, communism is all about helping the poor, and Christianity is all about helping the poor too, only we did it first, or something like that.  The fallacies contained in that statement are too widespread and entrenched to be refuted here, but as a preparatory exercise, just ask yourself this question: When was the last time the thought of a poor or disadvantaged person caused you to feel a burst of self-satisfied contempt?  Is it not rather the opposite?  Is it not quite “natural,” in this day and age, that the attendant passion would be one of excessive and milksoppish pity?  The identity-politics of victimization, so prevalent throughout the entire European-American world today, would not be able to exist in the (fictitious) atmosphere of pervasive cruelty that Francis uses as the foil for his incessant pity-preaching.

Ever since Vatican II, the novus ordo sect has officially aided communists and socialists in the advancement of this attitude, which at bottom is a psychological tactic for demoralizing the old Estates.  Even in the last bastions of formerly Catholic Europe, the strategy, aided and abetted by sunken clergymen, has met with spectacular success.  By way of evidence, we adduce this report on the empty and sentimental nature of the faith of the Irish prime minister (or Taoiseach) Enda Kenny, who was interviewed on a religious television program called The Meaning of Life.   One must conclude after reading this article that Mr. Kenny will be grappling with this question for a long time.

“an energy, a force, an almightiness there that is certainly beyond my reach”. - See more at:
“an energy, a force, an almightiness there that is certainly beyond my reach”. - See more at:
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