Have you ever had your Mass taken from you? Some of the "elders" in our Traditional parishes were around in the 1960s, when the changes started happening. But now, this feeling is no longer age-restricted! Thanks to Francis, the young traditionalists of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (and their affiliated laypeople) recently experienced this as the Traditional Latin Mass was "taken" from them.
Join Father Anthony Cekada and I tonight on the Restoration Radio Network's flagship show, True Restoration, as we discuss the implications of this action, carried out on the Novus Ordo feast of St. Benedict (July 11th). Guess things at the Papal Estates with any current retirees are going to get a bit rough soon.
Michael Hoffman has published this book:Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not
A priest reviewer has said:(http://revisionistreview.blogspot.in/2012/12/two-encomiums-for-hoffmans-book-on-usury.html)
“For 1500 years the Church of Rome unequivocally condemned usury as one of the worst of evils; then it suddenly starting teaching that ‘moderate’ usury was permissible. Hoffman’s book challenges Rome to explain the contradiction.
“Rome needs to explain why, after 1500 years of solemnly teaching that usury is one of the worst of evils, it suddenly said it was permissible as long as it was not ‘excessive.’
“Usury in Christendom challenges the Catholic hierarchy to explain how it changed its traditional opposition to usury into permission to practice it. This book needs to be read in Rome.
“Usury in Christendom will remain the definitive textbook on the topic of the Church and usury until such time as Rome discloses why it reversed its 1500-year-old teaching.
“Little wonder the Church of Rome overturned the traditional Latin Rite of Mass if it would overturn its age-old teaching on usury.”
Could Fr Cekada write an article about this topic for us Traditional layfolk?
What exactly is usury? How will people be able to live off their savings if these bear no interest and if inflation is not curtailed?
Do stocks and bonds come under usury?. If the Renaissance Church overturned a doctrine of the Church on Usury have we had a New Church since THAT time, and what we have had since Vatican II is merely ANOTHER NEW CHURCH or a NEWER CHURCH?
Thank you!