Book Review
Volume 3: Whatever
The third volume of the collected writings of Fr. Cekada has an odd name when compared with the other two: “Whatever”. On opening the cover, though, the suitability of the title at once becomes evident. The table of contents has 64 entries on a wide range of topics from “Quo Primum: Could a Pope Change It?” to “Papa Pachamama’s Profession of the Modernist Heresy”. Most of these are short articles of three or four pages, and so despite having more articles than both of the previous volumes combined, the total length of this volume is only 367 pages.
This volume is essentially an environmentalist’s worst nightmare: a printed website. It contains in chronological order all the best works from Father’s Quidlibet website, where they were published from 2007 to 2019. Each article has the date of publication printed under the title, allowing for easy referencing. I’m sure Father would not want it any other way, as the articles themselves are replete with citations and references. Another helpful tool found at the back of the text is the “Index to Names of Persons” which gives page numbers where important figures are mentioned in all three volumes. As a result, this volume makes an invaluable research guide as it touches on virtually all of the major issues of the current crisis.
Reading through the work, it seems almost like a diary recording the developments (and the Catholic response to them) that we all witnessed over the twelve years he wrote it. There is evidence of the different “deals” and “attempted deals” between the SSPX and Rome, the conflicts with the SSPV, and some of the struggles and joys at St. Gertrude the Great. As someone who knew Father personally and helped him occasionally with technological problems such as pairing his phone with the Bluetooth features of his new car, the book has deep sentimental value. Since most of these articles were written during the period when I knew him, the humor and witty remarks are perfectly in line with what I remember, and bring back fond memories.
The last article, which is also one of the longest, was published on November 3rd, 2019, right after the Pachamama escapade in the Vatican. It was also just a few months before the first of the strokes that would lead to his death on September 11th, 2020. I remember reading it when it was first published, and thoroughly enjoying it. Re-reading it now, it has the feel of a grande finale at a firework display. You can hardly miss Father’s righteous contempt for the modernist usurpers which has been building for even more than the twelve years recorded in this volume overflowing from the fifteen pages of this article. He expertly exposes the blatant apostasy of the whole Novus Ordo sect, not just the recent antics of the Frankster.
He then offers some predictions as to where the “journey” of the Novus Ordo will lead, including deaconesses, which we’re already beginning to see. Father closes with a list of how each of the pseudo-Trad groups will respond to the Pachamama idolatry, which clearly shows how well he understood his opponents of so many years. The Sedevacantist movement, or more properly, the true Catholic Church, has lost one of its greatest defenders in our age, but his works are timeless and will be looked back on as examples of sound Catholic theology in this time of almost universal error. Father Cekada’s life was one long fight against the errors of Modernism, and while he was not able to see it in his lifetime, we can hope that the influence of his works, recorded in these three volumes, will someday help to bring about the closing line of his last article: “Vatican II, the Robber Council, has to be dumped over the rail first - and this time, weigh it down.”
To purchase copies of the Collected Writings of Fr. Anthony Cekada, please visit
Related item: The Problems with the Prayers of the Modern Mass ~ also by Fr. Cekada