“Don’t Get Me Started!” Collected Writings of Rev. Anthony Cekada – Volume 2

Book Review

"Don’t Get Me Started!" Collected Writings of Rev. Anthony Cekada 1979-2019:
Volume 2: The Controversialist (2000-2008)

"When it comes to contemporary issues, my duty as a priest is to research the Church's teaching, tell you what it is, and tell you how to apply it." - Father Anthony Cekada, +RIP+

"Don't Get Me Started!: Volume II: The Controversialist (2000-2008)" contains Father's writings between 2000-2008, and are numbered 26 to 54, continuing the numbering from the first volume. Many of these articles have been available on TraditionalMass.org and to have them compiled and published is advantageous to continue sharing Father's writings. Having all three volumes is helpful, especially given that certain articles refer to articles in the previous volume (Volume 1), such as "Traditionalists, Infallibility, and the Pope" and “Home Alone?” 

Father's research, footnotes, guidance, and engaging writing-style are all accounted for in this collection. Many of the articles also include relevant photos and captions. Father's tremendous efforts are obvious in view of how many articles he produced in these nine years, as this volume is the longest at a whopping 506 pages, in 29 articles. Getting a sense of the time these articles were written gives further appreciation for how prolific a writer that this dedicated priest actually was, especially during the first part of this century.

The controversies in this volume include: Sedevacantism, Traditionalist Myths, Home Aloners, The Obligations of Clergy, Lienartists, Feeney Adherents, SSPV Communion Rules, Episcopal Consecrations, Frankenchurch, Recognize and Resist (R&R), the SSPX, Extraordinary Means, Mentevacantism, The Pius XII Reforms, and the Motu Mass Trap. The most significant articles being "Absolutely Null and Utterly Void. The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration'' and "The Grain of Incense: Sedevacantists and Una Cum Masses. Should We Assist at Traditional Masses Offered 'Together with Thy Servant Benedict, Our Pope'?" These latter articles when paired will dissuade belief in “Latin Mass-ism” and remind Novus Ordo attendees with whom they are “in communion."

"Trad Controversies" is one of the Restoration Radio series in which Father Cekada was a frequent guest, during which he provided additional commentary to many of the articles in this volume, including: "Home Alone," "The Una Cum Issue," "The 1955 Changes to Holy Week," "Masonic Bishops and Sacramental Intention, the SSPV, and Validity Checkers in the Land of Absurdity."

Father Cekada worked tirelessly to fulfill his duties as a priest and seminary professor; these volumes are the fruit of just part of his duty “to research the Church's teaching, tell you what it is, and tell you how to apply it.” It is well worth your time to read these volumes! And in your charity and justice, please also remember Father Anthony Cekada in your prayers.

Father Cekada’s critical article “Resisting the Pope, Sedevacantism and Frankenchurch. A Short Case for Sedevacantism” concluded with this hopeful line: "All traditionalists, therefore, are really sedevacantists -- it's just that they haven't all figured it out yet."

To purchase copies of the Collected Writings of Fr. Anthony Cekada, please visit sggresources.org

Related item: The Problems with the Prayers of the Modern Mass ~ also by Fr. Cekada

Jason Guardiano

Jason escaped the Novus Ordo sect in 2014. He is TR’s Director of IT and one of its owners.

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