Clerical Conversations
This show is devoted to various topics that deal with not only the issues faced by both clergy and laity during this crisis of the modernist heresy, but also timely topics that need clerical clarity to inform and instruct Catholics.
Episode Highlights
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 1: “The Nine,” 30 Years On…
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 2: Archbishop Lefebvre – The Man
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 5: John Paul II and “Santo Subito!”
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 8: Right vs. Left Politics, Abortion, & the Media Age
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 12: Relocation, Survivalism, & The End Times
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 20: Dress on Sundays
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 23: The Sabbath Day
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 26: The Cassiciacum Thesis
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 28: Lay Boards
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 30: Fatima-Industrial Complex
Episode Reviews
Episode 25 Review: Cancer: Clerical Conversations
Episode 27 Review: Father Eldracher on His First Year of Priesthood: Clerical Conversations
Episode 28 Review: Lay Boards: Clerical Conversations – Episode Overview
Episode Transcripts (Available to Annual Members and a la carte purchase)
Transcript: “The Nine,” 30 Years On… (PDF Download)
Transcript: Clerical Conversations, Episode 26: The Cassiciacum Thesis (PDF Download)
Transcript: Clerical Conversations, Episode 28: Lay Boards (PDF Download)
First Air Date: March 13, 2013
Show Guests: Bishop Daniel Dolan, Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada, Father Philip Eldracher
Show Hosts: Various
Listen Now:
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 1: “The Nine,” 30 Years On…
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 2: Archbishop Lefebvre – The Man
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 3: Marriage Equality, Rights, and God’s Law
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 4: Bergoglio’s First 100 Days, Spying, and End of Life Issues
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 5: John Paul II and “Santo Subito!”
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 6: The New New Springtime of Francis
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 7: Francis says there is “No Catholic God”
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 8: Right vs. Left Politics, Abortion, & the Media Age
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 9: Sports Build Character? (Part 1)
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 10: Sports Build Character? (Part 2)
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 11: Annulments and the Catholic Order of the Household
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 12: Relocation, Survivalism, & The End Times
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 13: History, Propaganda, & Catholicism
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 14: The Militarized Police State, Empire Building, Endless War, and Civil Unrest
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 15: Militarism, Military Culture, and Catholicism
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 16: College and Careers
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 17: Gambling, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 18: From Charles Martel to Charlie Hebdo
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 19: ISIS and Mohammedanism
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 20: Dress on Sundays
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 21: Tithing, Charities, and Trump
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 22: Brexit
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 23: The Sabbath Day
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 24: President-Elect Trump
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 25: Cancer
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 26: The Cassiciacum Thesis
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 27: Father Eldracher on His First Year of Priesthood
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 28: Lay Boards
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 29: American Heroes
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 30: Fatima-Industrial Complex
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 31: Organ Music in the Church
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 32: The Catholic School
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 33: Concordats
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 34: Tricolor National Flags
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 35: Ralliement
- Clerical Conversations, Episode 36: Seminary Update