
Clerical Conversations

This show is devoted to various topics that deal with not only the issues faced by both clergy and laity during this crisis of the modernist heresy, but also timely topics that need clerical clarity to inform and instruct Catholics.

Episode Highlights

Episode Reviews
Episode 25 Review: Cancer: Clerical Conversations
Episode 27 Review: Father Eldracher on His First Year of Priesthood: Clerical Conversations
Episode 28 Review: Lay Boards: Clerical Conversations – Episode Overview

Episode Transcripts (Available to Annual Members and a la carte purchase)
Transcript: “The Nine,” 30 Years On… (PDF Download)
Transcript: Clerical Conversations, Episode 26: The Cassiciacum Thesis (PDF Download)
Transcript: Clerical Conversations, Episode 28: Lay Boards (PDF Download)

First Air Date: March 13, 2013
Show Guests: Bishop Daniel Dolan, Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada, Father Philip Eldracher
Show Hosts: Various

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