Bishop Donald Sanborn
In this episode of Clerical Conversations, Host Stephen Heiner is joined by His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, to discuss the role of Concordats in recent Church history. His Excellency explains what concordats are and then reflects on the 1801 Concordat with France and the 1929 Concordat with Italy, respectively, and discusses the pros and cons of each for Church/state relations.
The music used in this show was composed by Nicholas Wilton. To enjoy more of his work go to: https://www.fourmarksmusic.com/nicholas-wilton
Original Air Date: July 8, 2022
Show Run Time: 31 minutes
Show Host: Stephen Heiner
Show Guest: Bp. Donald Sanborn
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Just finished this after starting and realizing I needed to take notes for my grandchildren. Thank you Bp. Sanborn and Stephen for having this discussion. Now we know exactly what happened with those treaties and why.