Studies on the New Religion of Vatican II
“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” St John 8:32
Put simply, this volume on the Papacy is a collection of articles that have been written over the preceding decades by truly Catholic clergy, presented chronologically, also including excellent bibliographies, and direct quotes from many great popes of the Catholic Church. True to the reputations of the authors, it is bulletproof in terms of accuracy and doctrine.
There are many basic questions that remain unanswered for many Catholics simply because of a lack of reliable information, or perhaps more particularly, because of the many sources of unreliable information that are all too easily accessible in our age. These questions may include questions about the Papacy, Vatican II and its heresies, where authority lies, and what the Indefectibility of the Church really means. These can be a source of bitter disputes between different groups all calling themselves traditional Catholics. If we have all been floating along happily until now, chances are at some time in the future we ourselves may be challenged – and will we be able to give the correct answer? The Anti-Modernist Reader provides insight into issues both basic and complex, thereby arming Catholics with the true ammunition of Holy Church. “In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one.” - Ephesians 6:16
The basis of The Anti-Modernist Reader, as explained on page 1, is two concepts: Firstly, that the Vatican II Church has taught errors and evils; and secondly, the basic catechism truth that Christ’s Church cannot err or give evil. So, the first Chapter starts at the beginning, and lays important groundwork as to the differences between the Novus Ordo and the Traditional Mass. It delves into the “fruits” of the New Mass, the consequences, the Indult/Motu Masses, why we cannot fulfil our Sunday obligation at the Novus Ordo, and more.
After understanding this, Chapter 2 moves onto where the Church has gone, or better put, where it is found today. To so many Catholics today, "Indefectibility" is merely a word, but if you want that word to come alive, you must read Chapter 2. Here is given the three most common paths taken for avoiding the Novus Ordo. One could say, they are dissected in a theological laboratory and put under the microscope, and compared with the Catholic teaching of Indefectibility, that beautiful enduring gift Christ left us in sending the Holy Ghost to guide His Church. And in that laboratory, only one path stands up to the test of not contradicting this fundamental belief. It becomes clear there is only one Immaculate Bride of Christ, one Church, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” The Church should not be brought down to the level of sporting-team-style divisions. Again some Biblical quotes may come to mind, Colossians 3:15 "And let the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts, wherein also you are called in one body: and be ye thankful." If Catholics would re-unite by recognizing this doctrine of Indefectibility, how much of a difference could we make in this world today! However, sadly, this doctrine is only nominally recognized by many traditionalists today.
Chapter 3 is comprised of the contents of the famous little booklet: Traditionalists, Infallibility and the Pope. I’ll never forget the day I discovered that booklet, and I have passed it along to friends ever since, and continue to do so. It is an excellent explanation of the situation in the Church today. It explains the Infallibility of the Pope, once again a dogma crucial to our existence as Catholics, and why and how the post-Vatican II “Church” teaches errors. It also explains loss of office through heresy, and how even a pope may lose office through heresy – which is a manifest defection from the Faith. It shows what pre-Vatican II canonists say about this, and what pre-Vatican II popes teach about the same. It gives teachings from the infallible Council of Vatican I, post-Vatican II canonists and theologians, the saints and Doctors of the Church, eg. St Alphonsus. In Appendix 1 it is laid out clearly as to how heresy severs a man from the Church. Appendix 2 explains the important clarification that it is the sin of heresy which does the severing, and not the canonical crime – this means there is no declaration needed. Or as St Robert Bellarmine put it, “manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.” What could be simpler than that?! For me, it brings to mind an old adage that could be used for Jorge Bergoglio, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” Further appendices to Chapter 3 let an impressive bibliography of canonists sort out some frequently asked questions and are entitled: Did the New Mass come from the Church? A Long Vacancy of the Holy See and, Where Would We Get a True Pope?
Chapter 4 speaks about “resisting” the Church, and once again quotes the pre-Vatican II Catholic theologians on this, with a timely reminder from the Council of Trent that anyone who says that “ceremonies, vestments, and outwards signs which the Catholic Church uses...” are “incentives to impiety” is anathematized! Oh how many good and dear souls, blogs, websites and groups so ignorantly say these things, as if they apply to Holy Mother Church! None of us would want to be anathematized, I’m sure. Of course, the Church Herself cannot be an incentive to impiety, only a false Church could do that; it is now clear.
Next the Vatican II subsist heresy is explained, which for the Novus Ordo Church has become their new doctrine. It is aptly called here, “Frankenchurch.” It is certainly clear at this stage that this Frankenchurch is not the Catholic Church, and yet we see now by reading this Anti-Modernist Reader that this is described over and over by Ratzinger, including in the Dogmatic Constitution of Vatican II.
By the time you get to Chapter 6 you are seeing that this Frankenchurch comes from the Dogmatic Constitution of Lumen Gentium. A Dogmatic Constitution! In a real Council that is what constitutes dogma! Makes me wonder, how can anyone accept a Council that teaches false dogma in the “light of Tradition.” It becomes obvious from direct quotes of Vatican II along with direct quotes from the Magisterium of the True Catholic Church that Vatican II is indeed heretical. If you have any doubts, read this book! But if you want to keep Vatican II, you will either have to accept that Hindus, Jews, Moslems and Protestants are all members of the Church of Christ, something that has never been believed before; or alternatively, reject the catechism in believing that the Catholic Church can err in a General Ecumenical Council. The sad state of many well-intentioned “Traditionalists” becomes evident now. There is just no light of Tradition to shine on this subsist theory at all.
Incidentally, many of the teachings on unity in this book will also help solve the dilemma of those in the Recognize and Resist groups who have been compelled, albeit unwittingly, to reject the first Mark of the Church – that the Church is One – in accepting the "two Church theory." This idea dictates that there is a Conciliar Church and a Catholic Church both with the Pope at the head. Whereas we know through Catholic teaching that Catholics are found in the Catholic Church, professing the Catholic faith; and that the Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
Well, so much could be said about The Anti-Modernist Reader and the good that it may do, that I would really run out of space if I continue... There is just as much useful information in the latter half of the book: The heresies of Vatican II, Benedict XVI (Ratzinger), John Paul II (Wojtyla), and how Ratzinger tried to save Vatican II by his hermeneutic of continuity. The seriousness of getting rid of Limbo is explained (which seems to be the first step to send unbaptised souls to Heaven). Also included: How the “1962” missal was able to have a 2007 change made to it, a change asked for by the Jews almost a century ago, an analysis of the "Joint Declaration of the “Catholic Church” with the Lutherans, as well as John Paul II’s approval of a “Mass” with no consecration. It has more information on the “new ecclesiology” that grew out of the subsist theory, which has continued to create an Ecumenical One-World Church since it emerged at Vatican II.
Fellow Catholics, this is a book not to be missed! The fact that this book was crowd-funded shows how people are willing to make a sacrifice of their own funds in order to urgently get these truths out there for others. Don’t wait to read this book while the consciences and souls of those around us are being influenced by all kinds of confusing ideas; we need to have a proper understanding of the Catholic faith and how it relates to our times.
“For he saith: In an acceptable time have I heard thee; and in the day of salvation have I helped thee. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
The Anti-Modernist Reader - Restoration Radio
The Anti-Modernist Reader, Episode 7: Communion: Ratzinger’s New Ecclesiology (Part 3)
In the third episode covering this document we are joined once again by Bishop Donald Sanborn. Bishop Sanborn wrote this article to discuss the meaning that the Novus Ordo sect attaches to the word...