Rorate reports on Francis' praise of a language that supports the unity of the Church. Yay! Right?
Within two hours of the publication of an article that criticizes Francis, Radio Maria Italy fired the authors, says The Eponymous Flower.
"That's really not Catholic!" Until this past weekend, the SSPX practiced remarkable reticence regarding Francis. Then Bishop Fellay finally erupted like a volcano.
Mundabor takes Francis to task for being a hypocrite when it comes to a funeral for a notorious but repentant sinner.
Francis continues his reign of imprecision, claiming to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Louie Verrecchio compares Francis' "consecration" to Pius XII's.
Repent sinners! Seemingly "obsessed" with the poor, Francis warns of the wickedness of wasting food in his message for World Food Day in this article by Catholic News Service.
Thanks for that link to that very good article by Mundabor. There does indeed seem to be a different standard applied to ‘right-wing’ sinners than the left-wing ones.
I got the impression from the article that the sspx allowed Priebke a funeral in one of their chapels?
Re: the first point regarding English supplanting Latin as the universal language of the Church: America Magazine already ran an article arguing this on June 8, 2009.
The Baltimore Catechism says this about Latin:
Q. 566. Why does the Church use the Latin language instead of the national language of its children?
A. The Church uses the Latin language instead of the national language of its children:
To avoid the danger of changing any part of its teaching in using different languages;
That all its rulers may be perfectly united and understood in their communications;
To show that the Church is not an institute of any particular nation, but the guide of all nations.
Switching to English would not preserve any of these points.
Apparently the SSPX attempted to have a funeral mass for him in Albano, but a violent protest broke out when the hearse arrived, and the mass had to be canceled.
Wendy Haught
Social Media Manager
True Restoration