


God’s loving care for men and the need for confidence in Almighty God 
By: Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange O.P.


Rev. Garrigou-Lagrange; O.P. shows how God’s Providence works in the Gospel; and he explains how Providence relates to prayer; to the duty of the present moment; to faithfulness in little things; to charity toward our neighbor; to the grace of a happy death; Providence in relation to justice and mercy; the need for trusting self-abandonment to God’s Providence.

This book should instill in the minds of those who read it a better understanding of God’s infinite majesty and the absolute value of the one thing necessary: our last end – our sanctification.


389 pp PB


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Additional information

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 8.25 × 5.5 × 1.25 in