Month of the Sacred Heart – Sale

The world tells us this is the month to be proud of unnatural vice but Holy Mother Church tells us that June is the month of the Sacred Heart – and Our Lord tells us to “Learn of Me because I am meek and humble of heart.” We present one of our favourite titles “Humility of Heart” at a very affordable cost of $7 as an aid to achieving such necessary learning.

The world tells us this is the month to riot and resort to violence and destruction but Holy Mother Church tells us to make reparation for the offences committed against the Sacred Heart – and Our Lord tells us “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God.”  We offer for your consideration “Holy Will of God: Source of Peace and Happiness” on sale for $5.

The world tells us this is the month to be distracted and disturbed by the tumults of a fractured society but Holy Mother Church tells us to observe Ember Week, honour Mary as our Queen, show gratitude for the Blessed Sacrament on Corpus Christi and seek refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus – and Our Lord tells us “Be not solicitous.” We hope to strengthen your trust in Our Lord's Sacred Heart via Fr. Caussade's treatise "Abandonment to Divine Providence" on sale for $14.

Let’s not forget to lead our little ones to shelter in the Heart of Jesus, too! Tell them “The Story of the Sacred Heart” in the words of Fr. Daniel A. Lord who has spoken so beautifully to so many children over so many decades.

For the teen girls, we offer from the abundance of Fr. Lasance’s magnificent devotional and instructional collections, “The Catholic Girl’s Guide” at our unbeatable price of $10! Pair that up with a handmade white mantilla for only $8.

Appreciate the Holy Sacrifice much more, courtesy of “The Incredible Catholic Mass” for $8 whilst protecting your precious St. Andrew’s Daily Missal with a durable missal cover for $7.

To accompany you on your journey to heaven we recommend St. Alphonsus’ “The Twelve Steps to Holiness and Salvation” and “Guidance to Heaven” both at $6.

Bargain Buy-up Big Books at only $1 each:  St Vincent de Paul, Sinners Return to God, Behind the Lodge Door, Idea of a University, History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 18-20 (Central Time)

An extra 10% discount applies to all orders from True Restoration Annual Members.


Theresa is Director of True Restoration Press and hostess of the Restoration Radio series, “The Catholic Home.” She is a cradle Catholic, homeschooling mother residing in Australia.