Some months ago I led a refresh of our brand tagline by asking the question, "What is it that we do at TR?" Our instinctive tagline, "Instaurare Omnia in Christo," taken from St. Pius X's exhortation "to restore all things in Christ," had always fit. True Restoration, restore all things in Christ. But it's a bit circular. In what does that restoration consist?
If we went back to answering that question I posed, "What is it that we do at TR," the answer is at one level, helping to restore all things in Christ. But if we wanted to be more granular and tactical, we had to look at the effect of our articles, our translations, our podcasts, our videos, and the books and gifts we sell. These are all means to help us learn and live the Catholic Faith.
Learn because proper formation was taken from many of us, particularly those of us raised in the Novus Ordo.
Learn because it's ever more important to demonstrate that we aren't defined as Catholics by only knowing the issues of Vatican II and the New Mass, but our Church history, our devotions, and most importantly, the doctrines and dogmas that animate a deep spiritual life.
Live because being up to date on the latest antics of Francis is not a substitute for practicing Catholicism.
Live because it's easy to despair in the darkness. It's much harder to light a candle of example (and keep it lit) in a world filled with winds of discontent and hatred.
So, with little fanfare, last month we quietly changed the tagline for our apostolate. Yes, we will always believe in the mission of restoring all things in Christ (it's in our name, after all!). But what do we do, what do we believe in, what does everyone behind the scenes commit themselves to on a daily basis?
Helping others to learn and live the Catholic Faith.