Can Catholic wives ever hear too much about obedience when they are deluged daily with feminist messages? Finer Femininity's "Obedience is Tough," is a booster shot of Catholic teaching for the "daughters of Eve".
"Brain Tumors, Basketball, Suicide, and Freedom," on Daniel Bearman's blog wonderfully juxtaposes the reactions of two young women to their diagnoses of terminal brain cancer. One Peter Five's coverage of Brittany Maynard's suicide includes an excerpt from Spirago's classic, The Catechism Explained.
There are two interesting quotes in this Lifesite News piece on "Cardinal" Burke and the outcome of the Synod. First, Burke is quoted as saying that the pope cannot change doctrine. Then, "Archbishop" Bruno Forte is quoted thusly: “During the debate on the divorced and remarried, a minority of the bishops voiced the opinion that we should keep the Church doctrine as it always was, that remarried people should not get Communion.”
“We all of course hold this view until the pope will decide otherwise,” he added.