From Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals we have Why the World Continually Persecutes the Church, an article presenting three motives for the inevitable enmity that exists between the Catholic Church and the world.
Caitlin Marchang’s What The Lord of the Rings Can Teach Us About Heroes is an encouraging piece from Catholic Exchange on the importance of performing our daily duties corresponding to our state in life to the best of our ability. “What has God asked of you? It is likely that your job seems small and insignificant. It may seem far removed from the grave matters with which the world struggles. However, it is in doing these things—things that nobody may ever even notice—that we will heroically impact the big picture.”
Prepare for the Nativity of St. John by considering the thoughts that the Church places before the faithful. Liturgia Latina’s post, 24th June, The Nativity of St. John the Baptist provides a brief overview of the feast and its liturgy.