Distributivism, Distributism, Agrarianism, Socialism, Capitalism: do you ever wish there was a simpler way to break all the “isms” down into a more comprehensible format than trying to wade through that daunting article filled with scary paragraphs replete with “isms” and the terms surrounding them that seem to go on and on for longer than your attention lasts? A good place to start is William Schultz’s unique piece, The ABC's of Catholic Economics, taken from Regina. “H is for Home, the well-kept, safe, and holy environment for the educating and nurturing of children. If Distributism is the economic system of saints, then the home is where those saints are made.”
In a world of contradictions and paradoxes gone awry, when someone, in all seriousness, can say to another, “I’m intolerant of intolerance,” John Horvat II’s article Why Treating Everyone Equally is a Problem from Crisis Magazine is a refreshing read that smacks of sound reasoning. “The final problem with treating everyone equally is that the logic of this false compassion inevitably leads to adopting the lowest common denominator of manners to prevent the suffering of the lowliest.”
Tradition in Action is the last port of call for today as we immerse in a little religious verse with a distinctly Medieval flavour. Chant Royal on Lent, translated by Margaret Coats from Eustache Deschamps’ original French, will keep the Lenten spirit burning with its beautiful stanzas. It might have a hint of Paradise Lost in the earlier stages, but it does not go down that road. “For in this season God is merciful.”