Happy Easter! The end of Lent has, as always, brought the eternal joys of the Redemption and Resurrection alongside the temporal promise of spring. And this year, it has also brought a brand new radio program to True Restoration! Iota Unum features Father Arnold Trauner of the Mater Boni Consilii Institute and is hosted by Stephen Heiner. This series will cover the book Iota Unum: A Study of the Changes in the Catholic Church in the 20th Century by Professor Romano Amerio, which is available at the True Restoration Bookstore: https://truerestoration.org/press/iota-unum/.
The April course of Iota Unum will consist of 10 episodes to be released throughout the month, with the series continuing next broadcast season. It will begin with an introduction to Father Trauner and to the book. The first two episodes (Episode 0.0 and 0.5) are free to the public. Watch for the first episode on April 6.
For those who don’t yet have a True Restoration membership and find the Annual Membership beyond their reach, we are now offering a very affordable Monthly Membership which grants access to all of this season’s new releases (including Iota Unum) and all of last season as well! The details can be found here: https://truerestoration.org/monthly/.
Listen in with Father Trauner and Stephen Heiner to understand why the modern world and Catholicism are incompatible!

Iota Unum, Episode 0.0: Meet Father Arnold Trauner, IMBC (Part I of II)
In this first part of a two part zero episode, we meet our guest for this series, Father Arnold Trauner, IMBC. We learn about his background and vocation, as well as his many years...

Iota Unum, Episode 0.5: Meet Father Arnold Trauner, IMBC (Part II of II)
In this second part of a two part zero episode, we continue to get to know our guest for this series, Father Arnold Trauner, IMBC. We discuss his breakdown in health and leaving of...

Iota Unum, Episode 1: Crisis and Change
In this episode we discuss the difference between “change” and “crisis” as seen by Dr. Amerio, read a “conservative” quote from John Paul II from 1981, and discuss both the Council of Jerusalem and...

Iota Unum, Episode 2: The Church Perseveres
In this episode we continue our discussion of crises that the Church has experienced over the centuries by covering the era of Luther and casuistry and explain how Luther is really the birth of...

Iota Unum, Episode 3: The Church and the Modern World
Modernity dawns fully with the French Revolution, the ground having been prepared for it over the centuries by the Lutherian revolt and the Peace of Westphalia. Father Arnold Trauner and Stephen discuss why the...

Iota Unum, Episode 4: Preparing for the Council
While this series is by no means a full exploration of the Second Vatican Council in itself, to understand what came after it is important to understand how it came about. We discuss the...

Iota Unum, Episode 5: Expectations of the Council
The three ordinary purposes of an ecumenical council are the causa fidei, causa unionis, and causa reformationis. Father Arnold Trauner explains these different purposes and relates them to the success of Vatican I. We...

Iota Unum, Episode 6: The Council Opens
We begin this episode by discussing the Metz Agreement, brokered by Cardinal Tisserant, which insured that there would be no condemnation of Modernism at the Council. We explore the false dichotomy between mercy and...

Iota Unum, Episode 7: The Council Closes
St. Joseph is added to the Canon, the Nota Praevia which is supposed to be added at the beginning of Lumen Gentium is printed at the end, and Paul VI “leads” the Church into...

Iota Unum, Episode 8: Apres-Moi, Le Deluge
Just as the Council ditched all the preparatory work, so too the “Spirit of the Council” dumped the Council documents themselves as not nearly progressive enough. Father Arnold Trauner explains this so-called “spirit” and...