Even though our main focus is to promote goodness on our Restoration Reader, there are times where evil should be recognized for what it is. This is one of those times... yep, that's right, Francis is at it again!
Novus Ordo Watch writes “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia. "The newly-released document exceeds ... 57,000 English words ... but hey, not all is lost — even Popes Pius XI and Pius XII got a brief mention each (par. 120, 75, respectively)." Do you laugh, or do you cry? Read the highlights in the article to find out!
Novus Ordo Watch also links to the full text... but even most of True Restoration's team members (if not all) will not be reading that thing in full!
That being said, Stephen Heiner records a show with Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada, The Flagship Show: Amoris Laetitia discussing the document (member-exclusive)!