For nearly two decades Stephen Heiner has undoubtedly been the face of True Restoration - inseparable really - but he has never sought for it to be so. He purposely built our company to go beyond the personality and labor of any one individual. He built it to last by establishing the various systems and processes that we use today, so that it might endure well into the future for however long Almighty God sees fit.
People have come and gone over the years, but he always remained. But now we stand here upon the threshold of a new era at True Restoration. An era in which all his labors will face the ultimate test, to endure without him as he moves on to a more noble calling. As we stand upon the parting paths, I would simply like to commend him on his work and thank him for all that he has done. Even before I became a part of this team, True Restoration had become an indispensable resource for me. It gave us all an opportunity to learn from some of the greatest clergy of our times, and it has truly been an honor to work alongside Stephen. I would also ask that you please remember him in your prayers as he moves on to this new chapter in his life, and us as well as we chart the course into the future without him.
When I began working at True Restoration almost a decade ago, I never thought it would take me to where I am today. It all began with a simple show suggestion to Theresa for her The Catholic Home series. From there the adventure continued into the realm of the transcription team before eventually being trained in audio recording and production by another familiar voice to our listeners, Matthew Arthur. For the past several years, I’ve been in charge of the audio/visual department and scheduling for future seasons.
It’s been quite the journey so far, made all the more enjoyable by the tireless crew working behind the scenes, who it is my hope that you will get to learn more about in the coming months as we roll out new sections of our website, and who knows, maybe an interview or two along the way.
We all look forward to what the future has in store as we launch new projects and offerings, while always bringing you the same truly Catholic content from the leading clergy of our times so that not only may we help in restoring all things in Christ, but also that we may all learn and live our Catholic Faith all the more perfectly.