
Why The Cross?

A profound exploration of the significance of the cross as a symbol of redemption, sacrifice, and true happiness

Discover the profound insights of Father Edward Leen, C.S.Sp.'s timeless masterpiece, "Why the Cross?" in a captivating series hosted by Stephen Heiner and Father Trauner.

In "Why the Cross?", Father Leen presents a compelling theory of life that breathes purpose and meaning into our existence. By starting with Christ's historical message to humanity, he explores the implications of this divine wisdom and reveals the connection between Christ's philosophy of life and true happiness.

Throughout the series, Father Trauner and Stephen dissect the key chapters of the book, beginning with "Frenetic Intemperance" and culminating with "What Must I Do?". Together, they unravel the rich layers of Father Leen's teachings, examining the reasons behind the seemingly harsh conditions for human happiness and how Christ's redemptive sacrifice plays a pivotal role in restoring order and offering a path to true fulfillment.

By exploring the life of God on earth as a blueprint for human happiness, Father Leen provides practical guidance for individuals seeking to apply these teachings in their own lives. As listeners engage with the series, they will gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental aspirations of the human heart and how they can be fulfilled by embracing the philosophy of existence presented by our Savior.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to explore the timeless wisdom of "Why the Cross?" This series promises to illuminate your understanding and invigorate your journey toward a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

The series is no substitute for actually reading the book, and we hope that these episodes may whet the appetite of our listeners for the material, which they can find in our bookstore.

Why The Cross? is available for purchase at the True Restoration Press Store.

Book Review

First Air Date: May 5, 2022
Show Guest: Father Arnold Trauner, IMBC
Show Host: Stephen Heiner

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