Original Catholic Art

Looking for that special piece of artwork for that particular room? Or perhaps you're seeking customised Catholic Thank You cards, or that unique gift for a dear friend or family member?

Search no longer, whilst supporting a fellow traditional Catholic, Nathan Nasby, who is a talented artist with a passion for bringing the beauty of God's creation to the two-dimensional form mostly via handmade ink pen drawings!

Whether it be of striking architecture, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Lives of the Saints, sacramentals, or depictions of Catholics in pious activities, you will be struck by the vibrance of Nathan's artwork.

Devotees of Our Lady's Rosary will be delighted by finding his rendition of a "Paracord Rosary in Palm - Digital Painting (2020)" followed by the personal comment, "Sacramentals are the sacred objects that allow us to be connected with God in any time and place. My own spiritual life thrives on the Rosary" at his website:

Nathan Nasby Art.Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas, Brooksville, Florida

As a token of appreciation for what our team at True Restoration provides, Nathan shared a dramatic drawing which captures the essence of our apostolate's aims.

To obtain your own tailor-made Catholic images, Nathan would be pleased to work with you to ensure a most admirable result every time. Contact him today: natenasby at gmail.com


Theresa is Director of True Restoration Press and hostess of the Restoration Radio series, “The Catholic Home.” She is a cradle Catholic, homeschooling mother residing in Australia.