Some tips on how to best use this site

Dear Listener

We've set this site up to make it very easy for you to access the entire Restoration Radio catalogue in a number of ways.

By Keyword Search

On top of our logo in the right hand column you will see a simple search box.  Put in any search term you like and if we have done a show (or shows) that is relevant to your search, you will see it appear in the results.

By Show

On the right hand side you will notice a calendar for the current month.  Below that you will see a directory of all our shows from all our seasons.  To search through all the episodes of that show, simply click on the show name.

By Tag

Below the shows you will see a number of tags.  A "tag" is simply a topic that was covered in a show.  The font of the tag is larger in proportion to the number of times it has been mentioned.  Smaller tags have been mentioned less, larger tags have been mentioned more often.  Clicking on a tag will display all shows that mentioned that tag.

By Date

At the bottom of the right hand column you will see our archives.  By clicking on the Month and Year you can access all the shows broadcast during that month and year.